Friday, May 6, 2011

And The Time Will Come When You See We’re All One

The New Humanity on the New Earth
And the Time Will Come When You See We're All One
Bill Tenuto
May 6, 2011

Please hear these words. These words have power. They tell us how we will transform the world.

When you’ve seen beyond yourself—
then you may find, peace of mind,
is waiting there—
And the time will come when you see
we’re all one, and life flows on within you
and without you.

Hear these words with your heart, not with your mind.

We can do this. We can create a new world.

If you want to, you can read all of the lyrics below and/or open the link and listen to the song on You Tube. You will hear in this song a message for our times recorded in 1967.

Listen with your heart.

"Within You and Without You," from Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band © 1967, lyrics and lead vocals by George Harrison.

We were talking—about the space between us all
And the people—who hide themselves
Behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth—then it’s far
too late—when they pass away.

We were talking—about the love we all
Could share—when we find it
To try our best to hold it there—with our love
With our love—we could save the world
—if they only knew.

Try to realise it’s all within yourself
no-one else can make you change
and to see you’re really only very small,
And life flows on within you and without you.

We were talking—about the love that’s
gone so cold and the people,
Who gain the world and lose their soul—
they don’t know—they can’t see—are
one of them?

When you’ve seen beyond yourself—
then you may find, peace of mind,
is waiting there—
And the time will come when you see
we’re all one, and life flows on within you
and without you.

Copyright © 2011 by William L. Tenuto. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Vision: Creating Eden. A New World. Mother Earth Blooms. Our Garden Paradise.

The New Humanity On The New Earth The Vision: Creating Eden. A New World. Mother Earth Blooms. Our Garden Paradise Bill Tenuto April 28, 2011

The time of transformation has arrived.

The time has come for us to do the work. 

Our job is to combine our spiritual energies to make a new world come to life.

Click this link to view my message on You Tube,, then return here to read (below) about The Vision.

The Vision It helps to have a vision of the world we want to build.

Many of you carry a different piece of the vision of the New Earth.

Here is the piece I was shown. The quotes below are taken from an article I published on July 24, 2005. It is evident that our world is undergoing rapid change now. The vision I was shown in 2005 is even more relevant today than it was then. “We human beings one day will find ourselves resting on the shore of a New Earth, carried there by the force of a wave emanating from a field of energy centered within our Milky Way galaxy.” “The images and information I have been gathering point to the evolution of a New Humanity in which our perceptions will expand beyond the five senses, in which we will develop new physical eyes with which to 'see.'" “The images and information I have been gathering suggest that on the New Earth there will be no further need for what has been a seemingly endless earthly struggle for physical survival.”

“The evolutionary quantum leap I foresee will provide the opportunity for us to create a paradise on Earth.”

(Above quotes taken from, "The New Humanity—The Vision of the Maya, The Sioux Sundance and the Vision of Future News," Copyright © 2005 by William L. Tenuto. All rights reserved.) To read the complete article, click here:

The four races of humanity from the four directions of Mother Earth will gather at Cahokia Mounds on 11:11:11.

Be there for the 11:11:11 Star Knowledge Conference.

For more information, click here:

Blessings to all, Bill Tenuto Copyright © 2011 by William L. Tenuto. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Will The Asteroid, Apophis, Collide With Earth in 2036?

The New Humanity On The New Earth
Will The Asteroid, Apophis, Collide With Earth in 2036?
Bill Tenuto
February 8, 2011

The Science About Apophis
On June 19, 2004, scientists discovered an asteroid which they chose to name “Apophis.” Apophis was the Greek god of darkness and chaos and the adversary of the sun.

On April 13, 2029, the orbit of Apophis will come within 18,300 miles of Earth.

When we consider the diameter of Earth at the equator is 7,926 miles, an object coming within 18,300 miles of Earth is a close call. The good news is Apophis won’t get close enough to Earth to actually hit it—at least not in 2029.

The possibility of a direct hit does emerge again, however, exactly seven years later, and this time there will be greater cause for concern for those of us who call this planet our home. On April 13, 2036, Apophis is scheduled to return, and on this go-round the asteroid will pay Earth a much closer visit than before.

An article published on February 4, 2011 on the Website tells us:
"Now, reports out of Russia say that scientists there estimate Apophis will collide with Earth on April 13, 2036. These reports conflict on the probability of such a doomsday event, but the question remains: How scared should we be?"

My Comments About Apophis
I first heard about the asteroid, Apophis, a year or two ago, and the moment I heard about it I felt there was a good possibility Apophis one day would collide either with Earth or the moon. In fact, if scientists in 2029 do as the above article suggests they might do, and NASA runs “a spacecraft into the hurtling rock” to divert Apophis from colliding with Earth, this action may inadvertently realign Apophis to hit the moon in 2036.

While considering this possibility, I recalled a prophecy told to me some time ago by my brother, Chief Standing Elk/Golden Light Eagle, Tribal Chief of the Yankton Dakota Tribe. He had said to me that when he was much younger, he had heard a prophecy from an Elder which said, "The moon would give birth to twins.” Standing Elk/Golden Light Eagle gave me his interpretation of this prophecy, saying the moon would be hit by an asteroid or comet and the impact would crack the moon in two. When he said this to me, I pictured in my mind’s eye the moon so severely fragmented that rocks and debris from this collision were crashing down onto Earth for several days.

With all of this stirring at the forefront of my mind, I decided to phone Standing Elk/Golden Light Eagle yesterday (February 7, 2011) to tell him what the Russian scientists had predicted—that an asteroid would collide with Earth.

He asked me, "Did they say what year?"

I answered, "Yes. They said the year would be 2036."

With his voice raised in excitement, he told me, "I announced that year—2036—at the Prophets Conference in Los Angeles on March 8, 1997. There also was a total eclipse of the sun on that date which we could see from Los Angeles.”

He said, "I told them at the Conference we were all here to give prophecy, so I would give them a prophecy, and then they could do whatever they wanted with it. I said to them, ‘There's a fiery rain coming from the sky in 2036. It will affect the flesh of man.’”

Then he said to me, “Tell them that Standing Elk predicted this. We will see it happen in 2036, if any of us are still alive by then."

When I heard all of this, I became quiet. He had just said to me, “Tell them,” and I thought, “Tell whom?” I then realized he wanted me to write about this. He wanted me to help get the word out. Once I understood what he wanted, I felt the whole conversation taking on a new dimension. In the way Native Americans would describe it, the conversation had become “spirit led.”

I needed to respond to him, so I focused on what it was I was sensing and feeling and said straight out to him, “I don’t feel this asteroid will hit Earth. I feel it will hit the moon. The debris from the collision will produce the ‘fiery rain’ you predicted.”

He said, “If that happens, we’re goners. The moon has a very powerful force over the earth. The tides would be affected and….”

I interrupted him. I felt he was taking this in the wrong direction. He wasn’t seeing the whole picture, and it was up to me to provide the missing piece.

I said, “No. If this happens, the moon would be gone. The moon exerts the force which causes Earth to spin on its axis, so with the moon gone, Earth would upright itself. Earth would stop spinning on its axis. It would spin straight up and down, in correct alignment with the sun.”

“Because Earth spinning on its axis has been the cause of the seasons,” I continued, “there would be no more seasons. No summer, no winter. Just one consistent temperature wherever you were, all the time, every day, 12 months a year.”

His response touched me in a way that told me he could see the whole picture now too.

He responded with one word. He said, “Eden.”

Copyright © 2011 by William L. Tenuto. All rights reserved.